If you want to run your code, you need a project and a notebook to do so. For example, you have created a new notebook that you want to share with the Kaggle community. You then need to create a project and run your code within it. To create a new project, go to the Project Dashboard.
Getting the Project ID You will need to get the project ID if you want to share your code publicly. If you want to share your code privately or with your team you will have to use Kaggle Notebooks
Link Kaggle Notebooks to Your Kaggle Project Select Project URL and click Copy. This will take you to your project dashboard. Click Add notebook. Select the notebook you wish to link. Click Add
Selecting a Kaggle Notebook Link Notebooks are part of the Kaggle Notebook. Click on the name of the notebook you wish to link to your project. Select the notebooks you wish to add to your project
Select the project URL or project name Copy the URL and paste it into the box.
You can now run your code and share your insights with the Kaggle community
Setting Default Logs Setting the default logs will ensure that any error messages that occur when running your code will be displayed in the dashboard:
I have created a class, let's call it JFrameTest.class.
The class has a method called displayForm() in it.
I have created an object of JFrameTest in my main function (I don't remember exactly where I call it at the moment, but it is working perfectly fine).
The main function prints out the displayForm() method's output on the console.
But for some reason, the console keeps on printing out the main() method's output.
If anyone could help me, it would be much appreciated!
It might be that you need to override the method:
public void displayForm() {
By Cole Stangler
The NBA’s All-Star Game, which was supposed to be the highlight of the All-Star weekend, turned out to be quite a letdown. The event’s star power was down this year, and the most entertaining match up of the night was actually the NBA 3-Point Contest. All-Star Weekend MVP Stephen Curry might have been the face of the weekend,
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